Effective April 17, 2017, Lincoln MoneyGuard® II will be introducing expanded payment options and pricing changes for new sales of the product, pending state approval.
Pricing Change
Lincoln's announcement of the pricing changes identified below were made following a thorough and in-depth analysis of all factors influencing pricing, including those related to the persistently low interest rates. These changes will result in a pricing increase or decrease, depending on each client’s specific situation. Details surrounding the pricing changes are below:
- Effective Monday, April 17, 2017
- Overall, the pricing is increasing by an average of 10% and an average of 14% for flex pay
- Core markets will see:
- Single pay premium rates are increasing by a range of 2% to 11% with an average increase of 10%
- Flexible premium rates are increasing by a range of 8% to 18% with an average increase of 14%
- At certain ages, this pricing adjustment may alter the benefit level or rider combinations available for sale. Alternative options are available for
situations where rider/inflation combinations are no longer available.
- Existing policy owners are not affected (assuming all premiums are paid as scheduled and no loans or withdrawals are taken for the life of the policy.)
Click here for the complete pricing change announcement from Lincoln.
Expanded Payment Options
Lincoln's new expanded payment options will give clients greater flexibility to purchase a policy at an earlier age and spread their payments over a longer period of time. Availability for the new expanded payment options is listed below:
- Ages 40 to 54 will have the option to fund up to age 65.
- Ages 55 to 72 will continue to have a choice of payment options up to 10 years.
- Ages 73 to 79 will have a new schedule of payment options. Starting at age 73, clients can chose options up to 9 years, grading down by one year at each subsequent age, to 3 years of payments at age 79.
- Single premium payment options are still available.
Click here for the complete expanded payment option announcement from Lincoln. |